
A plane.

Public Attributes

number distance

Dot product of any point on the plane with its normal.

Normal of the plane.

Public Member Functions

Any copy()

(vrCopy) Returns a copy of a Vector, Matrix, Ray, Sphere, AABBox, Quaternion or Plane

number getDistance(vrvec3 point)

(vrPlaneGetPointDistance) Returns the distance a point is from the plane. A negative value means that the point is behind the plane. A positive value means the point is in front. A zero means it is on the plane.

boolean lineIntersect(vrvec3 point1,
vrvec3 point2

(vrPlaneLineIntersect) Returns whether or not a line made of two points will intersect a plane.


true if the line intersects the plane

Any operator=()

number rayIntersect(vrray ray)

(vrPlaneRayIntersect) Returns how far along the ray an intersection point with this plane is.

(vrPlaneTransform) Returns a plane transformed by a matrix.

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