Work with Light Nodes
Using Lua to interact with Light nodes
This node describes controls of a light attached to an assembly.
Property | Type | Description |
Enabled | boolean | Enabled or disabled (whether any light is emitted) |
Type | number | The type of light. See the light type table below |
Colour | vrvec3 | Table of 3 floats, for red, green, and blue in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 |
Radius | number | Specifies the radius after which the light falls off to 100% black –only applicable to Point and Spot lights. A value of 0 specifies no attenuation. |
SpotCone | vrvec2 | Parameters for the spotlight cone. x = cone cut-off angle (0-90), y = cone intensity distribution exponent (0-128) |
ShadowMap | boolean | Specifies that this light casts shadows |
ShadowMapSize | number | Resolution of shadow map in pixels |
ShadowClipOffset | number | Distance offset of shadowmap to the near clip plane |
Intensity | number | Scalar to apply to the light colour to control the brightness |
ShadowBlur | number | Number of times to blur the shadow map |
ShadowOverdarken | number | How much to over-darken the shadow to compensate for light bleeding |
Light Types
Type | Description |
| A directional light (e.g. the sun) |
| Ambient light |
| A point light |
| A spotlight |
Example 1
An example of how a script can change the colour of a light, in this instance incrementing the Red component of the light colour each time this script is called. This script might be linked to a key press.
-- Drag/Drop section BEGINS - Do not edit between BEGINS and ENDS.
local Light = __Script.dragdrop.Light
-- Drag/Drop section ENDS
-- Toggle the Enabled state of the Light
Light.Enabled = not Light.Enabled
-- print the colour to the log window
-- increase the red value every keypress
Light.Colour.X = Light.Colour.X + 0.01
Example 2
-- Drag/Drop section BEGINS - Do not edit between BEGINS and ENDS.
local Light = __Script.dragdrop.Light
-- Drag/Drop section ENDS
-- Make sure light is on first
Light.Enabled = true
-- Check current light and change it to next
-- light in the sequence and print a message
if Light.Type == __Light_TypeDirectional then
Light.Type = __Light_TypeAmbient
elseif Light.Type == __Light_TypeAmbient then
Light.Type = __Light_TypePoint
elseif Light.Type == __Light_TypePoint then
Light.Type = __Light_TypeSpot
elseif Light.Type == __Light_TypeSpot then
Light.Type = __Light_TypeDirectional