A vector.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrvec3:getLength() instead.
Rotation around X axis (if this is a vector of Euler angles).
Rotation around Z axis (if this is a vector of Euler angles).
x element
xy elements
xyz elements
xz elements
xzy elements
y element
Rotation around Y axis (if this is a vector of Euler angles).
yx elements
yxz elements
yz elements
yzx elements
z element
zx elements
zxy elements
zy elements
zyx elements
(vrCopy) Returns a copy of a Vector, Matrix, Ray, Sphere, AABBox, Quaternion or Plane
(vrCross) Returns the cross product of two vectors. Both vectors must be the same type
Vector 2 {x, y} or {x, y, z}.
(vrDot) Returns the dot product of two vectors. Both vectors must be the same type
(vrLength) Returns the length of a vector.
(vrLengthSquared) Returns the squared length of a vector.
(vrNormalise) Returns normalised vector/matrix.
Normalised vector or matrix depending on the type passed in
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