A matrix.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmat4:determinant() instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(0, 0)/set(0, 0, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(0, 1)/set(0, 1, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(0, 2)/set(0, 2, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(0, 3)/set(0, 3, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(1, 0)/set(1, 0, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(1, 1)/set(1, 1, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(1, 2)/set(1, 2, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(1, 3)/set(1, 3, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(2, 0)/set(2, 0, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(2, 1)/set(2, 1, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(2, 2)/set(2, 2, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(2, 3)/set(2, 3, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(3, 0)/set(3, 0, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(3, 1)/set(3, 1, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(3, 2)/set(3, 2, _) instead.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmatrix4:get(3, 3)/set(3, 3, _) instead.
Forward vector.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmat4:getInverse() instead.
Position vector.
Right vector.
Rotation component (Euler angles)
Scale component.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrmat4:getTranspose() instead.
Up vector.
(vrMatScale) Return M scaled by vector V. If V is a scalar then a vector in which x=v, y=v, z=v will be used.
The vector or scalar to scale M by.
(vrCopy) Returns a copy of a Vector, Matrix, Ray, Sphere, AABBox, Quaternion or Plane
(vrMatDeterminant) Returns the determinant of the matrix
(vrMatGetValue) Get the value of an element of a matrix.
The column of the element to select.
The row of the element to select.
(vrMatInverse) Returns the inverse of a 4x4 matrix.
(vrMatTranspose) Returns the tranpose of a 3x3 matrix, or a 4x4 matrix with the 3x3 component transposed.
vrmat3 or vrmat4 depending on the type passed in
(vrNormalise) Returns normalised vector/matrix.
Normalised vector or matrix depending on the type passed in
(vrMatOrthoNormalise) Returns an orthogonal matrix.
Orthogonal mat3 or mat4 depending on the type passed in
(vrMatRotateEulerX) Return M rotated on the X axis by angle V.
The angle to rotate M by.
(vrMatRotateEulerY) Return M rotated on the Y axis by angle V.
(vrMatRotateEulerZ) Return M rotated on the Z axis by angle V.
(vrMatSetValue) Set the value of an element of a matrix.
The value to set the element.
(vrMatToString) Get a string representation of a matrix.
(vrMatTranslate) Return M translated by the vector V.
The vector to translate the matrix by.
No Results.