A box.
Centre of the box.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrbox.dimensions instead.
Dimensions of the box.
DEPRECATED since version 2.0.0. Please use vrbox:getExtent() instead.
Maximum in each axis of the box.
Minimum in each axis of the box.
(vrTestContain) Returns whether or object A completly contains object B.
A sphere, AABB, or vec3
true if b is inside a
(vrCopy) Returns a copy of a Vector, Matrix, Ray, Sphere, AABBox, Quaternion or Plane
(vrAABoxExtent) Returns the largest dimension of an axis aligned bounding box.
(vrTestIntersection) Returns whether or not two objects are intersecting one another.
A sphere or AABB
True if the objects are intersecting
(vrAABoxMerge) Returns an axis aligned bounding box that contains two other bounding boxes.
(vrAABoxTransform) Returns an axis aligned bounding box transformed by a matrix.
No Results.