Property index.
Idx_Diffuse | vec3f - Constant diffuse colour; RGB 0.0 to 1.0 |
Idx_Ambient | float - Ambient scalar. |
Idx_Specular | vec3f - Constant specular colour; RGB 0.0 to 1.0 |
Idx_Emissive | vec3f - Constant emissive colour; RGB 0.0 to 1.0 |
Idx_Reflectivity | float - Constant which modulates the colour sampled from the reflection map before adding to result. |
Idx_Smoothness | float - Constant smoothness value (0=minimum exponent, 1=maximum exponent). |
Idx_Metalness | float - Constant metalness value (0=not metal, 1=metal). |
Idx_Opacity | float - Constant opacity value (0=fully transparent, 1=fully opaque). |
Idx_DiffuseMap | link - Texture providing per-pixel diffuse colour. Alpha is used to modulate Idx_Opacity value unless Idx_OpacityMap is present. |
Idx_AmbientMap | link - Texture providing per-pixel ambient colour. |
Idx_ReflectivityMap | link - Texture providing per-pixel specular colour. Alpha is used to modulate Idx_Smoothness value unless Idx_SmoothnessMap is present. |
Idx_EmissiveMap | link - Texture providing per-pixel emissive colour. Adds on to Idx_Emissive value. |
Idx_EnvironmentMap | link - Texture providing per-pixel reflection colour. |
Idx_SmoothnessMap | link - Texture providing per-pixel smoothness, modulates Idx_Smoothness value. |
Idx_MetalnessMap | link - Texture providing per-pixel metalness, modulates Idx_Metalness value. |
Idx_OpacityMap | link - Texture providing per-pixel opacity, modulates Idx_Opacity value. |
Idx_NormalMap | link - Texture providing per-pixel object-space normal vector (XYZ scaled and biased into RGB). |
Idx_BumpMap | link - Texture providing per-pixel tangent-space normal vector (XYZ scaled and biased into RGB). |
Idx_TwoSidedLighting | bool - Tf true, back faces are lit using the inverted normal (which results in an expensive branch in the shader). |
Idx_Fresnel | Unused. |
Idx_MapMatrix | mat4f - Transformation matrix for the texture coordinates |
Idx_EmissiveIntensity | float - Constant emissive intensity. |
Idx_BumpScale | float - Constant bump scale. |
Idx_BlendMode | BlendMode (int) - Blend mode |
Idx_AlphaTest | bool - Enables alpha testing - required for any blend mode other than "None" |
Idx_AlphaTestRef | float - Determines the level at what point in an opacity map is it counted as transparent or not. |
Idx_Enabled | bool - When disabled, objects with this material are not rendered |
Idx_LineWidth | float - Width of any lines drawn with this material |
Idx_ReliefMapping | Whether or not relief mapping is enabled. |
Idx_LinePattern | LinePatterns (int) - Sets line drawing pattern (factor and pattern combined) |
Idx_Lit | bool - if true (default) the material is affected by scene lighting, if false it isn't (only emits light). |
Idx_AlphaToCoverage | bool - Use the alpha of this material for a screen-door transparency effect (Note: MSAA must be enabled) |
Idx_HalfLambert | bool - Use special diffuse lighting to prevent the rear of an object losing its shape and looking too flat |
Idx_AmbientMapChannel | int - Specifies which channel of the ambient map contains the ambient values, allowing a single RGB/RGBA texture to be shared between several maps. |
Idx_ReflectivityMapChannel | int - Specifies which channel of the reflectivity map contains the reflectivity values, allowing a single RGB/RGBA texture to be shared between several maps. |
Idx_SmoothnessMapChannel | int - Specifies which channel of the smoothness map contains the smoothness values, allowing a single RGB/RGBA texture to be shared between several maps. |
Idx_MetalnessMapChannel | int - Specifies which channel of the metalness map contains the metalness values, allowing a single RGB/RGBA texture to be shared between several maps. |
Idx_InvertSmoothness | bool - Inverts smoothness and smoothness map values, enabling use of a roughness map. |
Idx_PreviewShape | link - the model used for previewing the material |