Property index.
Idx_Enabled | bool - If false particle system isn't drawn or updated. |
Idx_Duration | float - Duration of a cycle of the particle system |
Idx_Looping | bool - If true, the system restarts at the end of each cycle |
Idx_LifeSpanInputType | ParticleInputType (int) - Specifies the method of lifespan input for how long a particle lives, in seconds |
Idx_LifeSpanValue | float - data for Value mode |
Idx_LifeSpanMinMax | vec2f - data for MinMax mode |
Idx_LifeSpanCurve | vector - data for Curve mode |
Idx_StartSpeedInputType | ParticleInputType (int) - Specifies the method of particle start speed input |
Idx_StartSpeedValue | float - data for Value mode |
Idx_StartSpeedMinMax | vec2f - data for MinMax mode |
Idx_StartSpeedCurve | vector - data for Curve mode |
Idx_StartSizeInputType | ParticleInputType (int) - Specifies the method of particle start size input |
Idx_StartSizeValue | float - data for Value mode |
Idx_StartSizeMinMax | vec2f - data for MinMax mode |
Idx_StartSizeCurve | vector - data for Curve mode |
Idx_StartRotationInputType | ParticleInputType (int) - Specifies the method of initial particle rotation input |
Idx_StartRotationValue | float - data for Value mode |
Idx_StartRotationMinMax | vec2f - data for MinMax mode |
Idx_StartRotationCurve | vector - data for Curve mode |
Idx_RotationDirectionRandom | bool - Randomise rotation direction |
Idx_LifetimeGradient | link - Specifies a gradient to use to control the lifetime of particles |
Idx_MaxParticles | int - Maximum number of particles in flight at once. Special value of zero means no limit to the number of particles. |
Idx_MainTexture | link - Specifies a texture containing particle sprite data to use for rendering the particles |
Idx_BlendMode | BlendMode (int) - Specifies the particle renderer blend mode |
Idx_SmoothDist | float - When part of a particle is within this distance of some background scene geoemtry, it will be faded over this distance to give a smoother appearance at intersections. |
Idx_TilingMode | TilingMode (int) - Specifies how to use the texture sprite sheet |
Idx_TextureTilesNumber | vec2i - for all tiling modes except None, specifies the number of tiles in the sheet (X,Y) |
Idx_AnimationSpeed | float - For animated tiling modes, specifies the speed multiplier for texture sheet animation |
Idx_BillboardMode | BillboardMode (int) - Specify how the particles should be aligned |
Idx_OrientU | bool - |
Idx_OrientV | bool - |
Idx_FlipU | bool - |
Idx_FlipV | bool - |
Idx_WorldSpace | bool - |
Idx_ScaleMode | ScaleMode (int) - |
Idx_Lit | bool - |
Idx_AlphaOrderOffset | float - |
Idx_EmitRate | float - Rate at which particles are emitted, in particles-per-second. |
Idx_Bursts | vector - |
Idx_EmitShape | EmitShape (int) - Controls the initial position and direction of an emitted particle. |
Idx_EmitShapeAngle | float - For Cone and Circle, the angle range of the shape |
Idx_EmitMesh | link - For Mesh, link to the mesh to use |
Idx_EmitShapeSize | float - Size of shape within which particles are emitted at random positions. |
Idx_EmitShapeShell | bool - If true, the particles are emitted from the shell of the shape rather than within it. |
Idx_EmitRandomDirection | bool - If false, the particles are emitted in directions relating to the shape, if true the directions are completely random. |
Idx_VelocityOverLifetimeEnabled | bool - |
Idx_VelocityOverLifetime | vector - |
Idx_VelocityOverLifetimeMultiplier | float - |
Idx_VelocityLimitOverLifetimeEnabled | bool - |
Idx_VelocityLimitOverLifetime | vector - |
Idx_Damping | float - |
Idx_SizeOverLifetimeEnabled | bool - |
Idx_SizeOverLifetime | vector - |
Idx_SizeOverVelocityEnabled | bool - |
Idx_SizeOverVelocity | vector - |
Idx_SizeOverVelocityRange | vec2f - |
Idx_RotationSpeedOverLifetimeEnabled | bool - |
Idx_RotationSpeedOverLifetime | vector - |
Idx_Force | vec3f - constant force applied to particles during their lifetime. |