A Collision node adds greater control over object collisions in the scene and allows the dispatching of script events in response to collisions.
Values for Idx_Report.
Report the collision to the other object and not this (Symbols - C: "ReportQuiet", Lua: __Collision_ReportQuiet)
Report the collision to this and not the other object (Symbols - C: "ReportInvQuiet", Lua: __Collision_ReportInvQuiet)
Reports the collision to both objects (Symbols - C: "ReportNormal", Lua: __Collision_ReportNormal)
Values for Idx_Type.
The values of this enum are for convenience, any 32bit value is usable so complex groups and mask are supported.
(Symbols - C: "TypeDefault", Lua: __Collision_TypeDefault)
(Symbols - C: "TypePicking", Lua: __Collision_TypePicking)
(Symbols - C: "TypePickable", Lua: __Collision_TypePickable)
(Symbols - C: "Camera", Lua: __Collision_Camera)
(Symbols - C: "TypeAll", Lua: __Collision_TypeAll)
Property index.
bool - The enabled state of this collision body
ShapeMode (int) - Determines the Shape for the collision body
For GeometryBBox or ConvexDecomposition modes, link to the model to use as the collision body.
vec4w - For Sphere mode, describes the relative centre point and radius (xyz, w = radius) of the collision body sphere
floatw[6] - For BBox mode, describes the relative min/max extents (0,1,2 = min xyz, 3,4,5 = max xyz) of the collision body bounding box
vec3w - For Ray/PenetratingRay modes, describes the relative direction of the ray (normalized vector)
floatw - For Ray/PenetratingRay modes, specifies the length of the ray
bool - When enabled, collisions are reported and events dispatched
CollideReport (int) - Determines how a collision is reported between this object and one the collides with it CollideType (int) - Determines what the object can collide with. The value stored as the 'Type' property is the concatenation of a 16bit collideGroup and a 16bit collideMask. When a collision is detected the collideGroup of the first object is AND'd against the collideMask of the other object if the result is not 0 then a collision pair is generated.
bool - Enables debug drawing of simple wireframe collision shapes. Requires Collision/DebugDraw setting to be enabled.
Reserved for future use.
floatw[2] - For Cylinder/Capsule/Cone mode, describes the radius and height of the shape
positional offset for physics shapes
Values for Idx_Mode.
use the BBox property of the Geometry (Symbols - C: "ModeGeometryBBox", Lua: __Collision_ModeGeometryBBox)
use the BBox property for the min/max bounds of a Box shape (Symbols - C: "ModeBBox", Lua: __Collision_ModeBBox)
Use the Sphere property for the position and radius of a sphere shape (Symbols - C: "ModeSphere", Lua: __Collision_ModeSphere)
uses the first sibling visual for the collision shape (Symbols - C: "ModeVisual", Lua: __Collision_ModeVisual)
Uses the Ray properties to define an axis and length for a ray, This ray stops at the first collision. (Symbols - C: "ModeRay", Lua: __Collision_ModeRay)
Uses the Ray properties to define an axis and length for a ray, This ray goes on to its end. (Symbols - C: "ModePenetratingRay", Lua: __Collision_ModePenetratingRay)
Uses the Geometry property and constructs a convex hull decomposition from it (Symbols - C: "ModeGeometryConvexDecomposition", Lua: __Collision_ModeGeometryConvexDecomposition)
defines a collision group for cameras
defines a standard collision group; DEFAULT objects collide with everything other than PICKING and PICKABLE objects
defines a collision group for immersive helpers that require collision with the avatar but with not the picking rays
defines a Mockup compatible collide group; PICKABLE objects only collide with PICKING objects
defines a Mockup compatible collide group; PICKING objects only collide with PICKABLE objects
defines a collide group for the systems always on picking - Skinnies without a Fat sibling
defines a collision group for Skinny bodies that have a Fat sibling - always the visual mesh
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